Ystävänpäivästoori englanniksi / I Only Have Eyes for You – Valentine’s Day Story in English

Lyhyesti Suomeksi: En ole kovinkaan romanttinen sielu, joten tässä omaan tyyliini sopiva ystävänpäivätarina, tällä kertaa ainoastaan englanniksi, sillä ”I only have eyes for you” -fraasi toimii vähän huonosti Suomeksi. Tarina oli alun perin kyseisen lausahduksen ympärille rakennettu harjoitus.

Preface: I am not a very romantic person. So here is a Valentine’s Day story more suitable for me. Originally it was a prompt from a phrase “I only have eyes for you”.

Why the hell I had gone out with him? Sure he was good-looking and charming but also arrogant and old-fashioned in so many ways. And on top of that he was a wizard – maybe the most powerful one in Europe. We had dinner in a fancy restaurant and walk in the park. Nothing extreme, just ordinary and pleasant. He took my hand and gazed into my eyes. “You know I only have eyes for you”, he said. I guess I wouldn’t have smiled so wide if I had known what he was talking about. One year later, after the peculiar wedding ceremony and some bizarre wows, I was still indignant of his collection. Jars after jars full of salty liquid and eyeballs of all the magical creatures he had captured on his journeys. “The eyes are the mirror of their souls”, he said, and put me in charge of dusting the jars. And every time I looked at those glooming eyeballs I had to do a little soul mirroring myself and ask the question: Why the hell I had gone out with him?


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